Monday, March 30, 2009

40 Days Until Planting Day

Growing up I lived in a house that sat on a quarter acre of property. My parents loved gardening, yard work, and creating a beautiful yard. I hated gardening, yard work, and anything that made me be outside.

Outside was yucky, being outside in the summer makes you sweat. I hated getting my hands dirty, gardening makes your hands dirty. I hated weeding, mowing the lawn, planting flowers, all of it in my book was the pits.

Every spring and summer my parents and I had a deal. Saturday when they headed outside to work in the yard I stayed inside and worked. I thought it was a sweet deal. I thought they were all suckers. Sweating, dirty hands, grass clippings. Yuck, yuck, and more yuck!

Now that I'm all grown up I have had an obvious change of heart. Housework equals yuck, yuck and more yuck. Give me the garden, sun, sweat, and summer any day. Let the sun kiss my face, let heat warm the winter right out of me, let the garden renew my spirit.

There are times when I am with my mom and dad and we are talking about gardening or exercise or the fact I teach swim lessons that I see a dumb founded expression cross over their faces. The kind of look that says, "Who are you and what did you do with our daughter?"

It is kind of interesting, this getting older business, I look in the mirror and see the wrinkles starting to form, the grey hair at my temples, and I just cringe. When did that happen? Then I go out into my garden and see the flowers popping up and smile.

Ahh, the reason for the wrinkles.


Anyway if any of you have an explanation for the obvious change of heart feel free to hypothesise. Meanwhile I have some flowers that need transplanting. Hope you enjoy the flowers progress. My front room is turning into a jungle.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

53 Days until Planting Day

The weather has been absolutely beautiful. It really makes you feel like summer is coming. I can't tell you how excited that makes me. 

Our seedlings are growing and growing. We have even moved some into their own little pots. Last year our biggest problems occurred when we moved the seedlings into their own pots.  We are waiting a little bit longer and hoping that the more established roots will help in the transplanting. Have I mentioned what armatures we are when it comes to gardening.

These are Cosmos I have a feeling that they don't like being started indoors.  We found this out last year with Sunflowers. When we started them indoors they never reached their full height.  They were also smaller and didn't quite get as hardy as the ones we started outside.  We are watching the Cosmos but I have a suspicion that next year we will be starting them outdoors.

These crazy little plants my youngest daughter picked out. They are coming up just like grass how weird is that? They are about two weeks ahead of schedule so they must like the environment.  

The first plants to be transplanted, Morning Glory and Zinnias.

We are learning and if everything keeps growing I will be planting all season long.

H.H. is getting very impatient to start the vegies.  He keeps reading the back of the packets and hoping that today is the day he can plant.  We all know the information on the back of the seeds changes magically in the middle of the night.

I'm kidding, I know that he is really excited to get started.  I am too. I love being out in the yard working in the garden. Watching all these flowers grow is just making me itch more and more to get outside.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cleaning Up!

I guess there are worse things then cleaning up the yard after winter. It would be one thing if everything froze off and died all at once.  Then you could get out there clean it up and be done with it. Unfortunately, it doesn't really work that way.  There is always something in the process of dying while something else is the process of growing. Makes it impossible to jump in there clean everything out.

However, even if cleaning up isn't so great, seeing all the new green poking its way into the world makes one feel wonderful. Not to mention that after getting everything cleaned up it looks so great you forget all about the dirt under you nails.

(I can't quite remember what I planted here? It is a mystery)

Well not completely about all the dirt under you nails.

Where is that lotion?

When the Handy Hubby gets home I'm going to have him measure the beds so I can get to planning.  I have a ton of ideas bubbling around in my head.

What do you think of corn and sunflowers growing together?

I think it might look cool. 

(The Larkspur sprouted today, smiles)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Look What is Growing

In our neck of the woods Mother's Day weekend is THE weekend for most gardeners. It is the weekend that the promise of overnight freezes are over. It is the weekend that the garden can be planted. It is the weekend that the hope for long summer days hangs in the air.

With that weekend in mind we have started to plan and prepare for the gardening season. Last year we experimented with starting a few plants from seed. We had so much fun and learned so much that this year we have expanded our start plants.

In fact except for tomatoes and peppers we plan on starting all of our garden from seed. Right now we have started flowers. They are popping up all over the place and making me very happy.

My Babies

For Valentines The Handy Husband gave me some prim roses. They were starting to look a little sad so I planted them in pots on the porch. One of the few flowers that actually like the temperature to be a little on the cool side. I am not a prim rose. It is so nice to get outside and start working in the yard. I raked out the front flower bed and felt myself do a little dance thinking about all the flowers that will be popping out soon.